Google Latest to Join the Tech Layoff Trend that Kicked off 2024

Last year Google announced it will be giving its virtual assistant an AI integrated makeover, with the implication that it could result in layoffs. It seems this week’s news is this implication realized. The Bard experiment is currently underway and enables Google Assistant to be a more personalized helper and complete more complicated tasks on behalf of its user.

In another statement to The Verge, Courtenay Mencini of Google, assured that they will be helping affected employees to find new positions both within Google and elsewhere.

Whilst the layoffs seem to be coming in thick and fast, it is just a small fraction of the total workforce. Alphabet, Google’s parent company employed 182,381 employees as of September 30th, 2023.

Google kicked off 2023 with cuts in January, too, although last year, it was a huge 12,000 unlucky employees who found themselves on the chopping block.

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