GTA 6 will be unplayable to millions when it launches

GTA VI will be unplayable for millions when the game launches, so you may want to make sure you’re as prepared as you can be for the big day.

Take a look at everything we know about GTA VI below!

Unfortunately, when the game does launch, there will be millions of gamers out there who won’t be able to play it at launch – at least that’s if they’re not prepared.

It’s looking increasingly likely that GTA VI will skip last-gen consoles and go right to PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC. While I’d certainly imagine most of us will have made the jump to the new-gen hardware by 2025, the reality is there’ll be millions of gamers out there unable to dive into GTA VI at launch.

On the one hand, this is certainly a shame for those who won’t be able to afford the move in time. On the other, I can’t imagine the gamers who have upgraded would be too thrilled to learn GTA VI won’t be taking advantage of the newer hardware so it can launch on what will by 2025 be 12-year-old consoles.

In other GTA VI news, it’s looking increasingly likely that a reveal is right around the corner. Given Take-Two’s confirmation of the game’s release window, we certainly wouldn’t bet against a big unveiling before the end of 2023. Watch this space.

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