Healthy Cereal | SheerLuxe

Find A Balanced Blend

“Traditional breakfast cereals tend to be loaded with sugar and are low in both fibre and protein, a combination that will send you on a blood sugar rollercoaster. Instead, look for a cereal that is high in protein, low in sugar and rich in fibre – these are the three macronutrients to be looking for. Bonus points if you can find a cereal that contains lots of nuts and seeds, which add additional protein and fats to create a more balanced meal.” – Clarissa Lenherr, nutritionist

Avoid Sweeteners

“An overwhelming number of food products that claim to be healthy are made with artificial sweeteners – this means brands can make claims about a cereal being low-sugar whilst still tasting sweet. However, regular consumption of artificial sweeteners has been linked to changes in the gut microbiome and they are something I advise my clients to actively avoid. At the same time, look out for real sugar on an ingredients label, which can be disguised as cane juice, dextrose, isoglucose, jaggery, maltose and barley malt.” – Clarissa 

Watch Out For Wheat

“Cereals like Weetabix and All Bran are wheat-based, which may seem like a healthy option, but wheat can irritate the gut and cause bloating. These big-brand cereals also all contain sugar. At the same time, wheat bran contains phytic acid (a natural substance found in wheat), which can prevent the absorption of certain nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, zinc and iron. If you enjoy these cereals, enjoy them sparingly and in small amounts.” – Kate Delmar-Morgan, nutritional therapist at the Institute for Optimum Nutrition

Don’t Fear Carbs

“Some of these newer cereals are lower in carbs, but it’s important to understand that we all thrive on different diets. A low-carb breakfast can help keep you fuller for longer, but a low-carb diet can reduce the number of healthy plants you eat. The brain needs at least 130mg of carbs a day to function, and if you are very active and do lots of exercise, you’ll need arguably even more to support your physical performance.” – Kathryn  

Choose Granola Wisely

“Granola is a tricky one as it pretty much always contains added sugar and oil, whether it’s marketed as healthy or not. Commercial granolas often use high amounts of sugar or syrup as well as refined oils, which can cause an imbalance of healthy omega-3 fats within the body. Always choose a granola that includes nuts and seeds and the least amount of added sugar possible.” – Kate 

Boost Your Nutrients

“Getting creative with your cereal toppings is a simple way to make your bowl more satiating and nutritious. Top with fresh fruit like berries and chopped apples for antioxidants, vitamins and fibre; sprinkle with nuts and seeds for a dose of healthy fats and protein; swap regular milk for Greek yoghurt to increase the protein content; and add a tablespoon of your favourite nut butter for extra flavour, protein and healthy fats.” – Joan

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