Here is today’s weather outlook for Aug. 26, 2023 in Tulsa, OK

Hot temperatures are predicted today. Temperatures are projected to be a quite blistering high of 101. Today has the makings of a perfect day to hit the pool or find a nice air-conditioned room. Expect a drastic drop in temperatures though, with a low reaching 74 degrees. Partly cloudy skies are in the forecast. The sunshine will be intense today; high UV indexes are forecasted. Be careful outside, especially during late morning through mid-afternoon. If your shadow is shorter than you, seek shade and wear protective clothing and generously apply sunscreen on exposed skin. The Tulsa area should see a light breeze, with forecast showing winds from Northeast, clocking in at 8 mph. Special National Weather Service Alert: Heat Advisory from SAT 12:00 PM CDT until SAT 7:00 PM CDT. This report is created automatically with weather data provided by Keep an eye on for forecast information and severe weather updates.

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