Japanese InstructBLIP Alpha vision-language model by Stability AI

Stability AI Japanese InstructBLIP Alpha vision-language model

Stability AI has has announced the release of a Japanese vision-language model, Japanese InstructBLIP Alpha. A vision-language instruction-following model that enables to generate Japanese descriptions from images and optionally input texts such as questions.

Japanese InstructBLIP Alpha is capable of generating textual descriptions for images and answering questions based on those images. This unique capability opens up a world of possibilities, from image-based search engines to scene descriptions and QA. It also holds immense potential for creating textual image descriptions for visually impaired individuals, thereby making digital content more accessible.

Vision-language model

The model is built on the robust foundation of the Japanese large language model, Japanese StableLM Instruct Alpha 7B. It employs the InstructBLIP architecture and has been fine-tuned using a limited Japanese dataset. This meticulous process ensures that the model can accurately recognize Japan-specific objects, a feature that sets it apart from other models in the market.

But the capabilities of Japanese InstructBLIP Alpha don’t stop there. It can also answer questions about input images, a feature that could revolutionize the way we interact with digital content. Imagine being able to ask a question about an image and getting an accurate, detailed answer. This is the future that Stability AI is striving to create.

Japanese InstructBLIP Alpha

“Japanese InstructBLIP Alpha is a vision-language model that enables conditional text generation given images, built upon the Japanese large language model Japanese StableLM Instruct Alpha 7B that was recently released. The Japanese InstructBLIP Alpha leverages the InstructBLIP architecture, which has shown remarkable performance in various vision-language datasets.

To make a high-performance model with a limited Japanese dataset, we initialized a part of the model with pre-trained InstructBLIP trained on large English datasets. We then fine-tuned this initialized model using the limited Japanese dataset. Examples of applications of this model include search engine given images, a description/QA of the scene, and a textual description of the image for blind people, etc.”

For those interested in testing, inference, and additional training, Japanese InstructBLIP Alpha is available on Hugging Face Hub. This accessibility allows researchers and developers to explore the model’s capabilities and potential applications further.

The launch of Japanese InstructBLIP Alpha marks a significant milestone in the journey of Stability AI. It is a testament to the company’s innovative spirit and its commitment to creating AI models that can truly understand and interact with the world around us. However, it’s important to note that Japanese InstructBLIP Alpha is intended for research purposes. It is exclusively available for research use, underscoring Stability AI’s commitment to advancing the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Source: SAI

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