Krystyna Freda: “Being part of the Global Player Council is an important step on my journey”

American-born Cyprus international Krystyna Freda has spent most of her career in Europe playing in the Finnish, Scottish and, predominantly, Cypriot leagues. After being involved with the Pancyprian Footballers Association for a number of years, she officially joins FIFPRO as a member of the Global Player Council.

By Krystyna Freda

Growing up in the US, I had dreams of playing for the national team – just like every other little American girl who loves football. However, I quickly understood that this dream would never be my reality: I didn’t play for the right clubs, I didn’t go to the right universities, and I just wasn’t set up from a young age to reach that level.

I ended up travelling to Europe to pursue my football career and I settled here in Cyprus. Over time I started to think about my international options, as I was eligible for Polish citizenship through my grandparents and I began speaking with the coach of the national team about potentially playing for them.

However, the Cyprus national team heard about this and made the point that I had been living there for four years: I was acclimated to the culture, I played in their league, I spoke the language; I was Cypriot. So, they said I should play for them.

It was such a powerful moment of acceptance for me, to be wanted by a country that I love and to have the opportunity to represent them. I knew that Poland offered more competitive paths on the international stage but Cyprus had my heart. Once I set out to apply for my citizenship, I never looked back.

Being selected as Cyprus captain was something I never expected and I was shocked when I was offered the armband. Not being a natural-born citizen, it wasn’t something that I thought would ever be in my future but I was so honoured that my chosen country had chosen me right back.

I treasure the respect that the coach has shown me, both as a player and a person, and I’m going to do everything in my power to make both him and Cyprus proud. I have so much pride being here, and the fact that it was my choice to play for this country makes me even more committed to do my best – both on and off the pitch.

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