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The UConn College of Engineering is committed to supporting women in their engineering fields.

UConn Engineering Leila Daneshmandi, Audrey Larson, Leslie Shor, and Fei Dou

UConn Engineering Leila Daneshmandi, Audrey Larson, Leslie Shor, and Fei Dou at the Connecticut Technology Council Women In Innovation Awards on Oct. 25.

Several University of Connecticut women leading STEM, innovation and entrepreneurship initiatives were recognized in a state-wide event last week.

The UConn College of Engineering garnered several awards in the 18th Annual Women of Innovation Awards led by the Connecticut Technology Council held at Southern Connecticut State University in New Haven on Oct. 25.

2023 Finalists Included:

  • Recent Computer Science and Engineering doctoral graduate Fei Dou won the Collegian Innovation and Leadership award. Dou is now an assistant professor at the University of Georgia School of Computing.
  • Assistant Professor in Residence of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Leila Daneshmandi was nominated for the Entrepreneurial Innovation and Leadership award. Daneshmandi is also the director of the Entrepreneurship Hub (eHub), and the co-director of the new Nursing and Engineering Innovation Center. She is the co-founder and COO of Encapsulate, Inc, a MedTech startup in Farmington.
  • Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Education Leslie Shor was nominated for the Research Innovation and Leadership award. Shor is also a professor in the Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Department and has a graduate faculty appointment in the environmental engineering program.
  • Undergraduate materials science and engineering student Audrey Larson was nominated for the Collegian Innovation and Leadership award. Larson is also the co-founder of Geomate LLC and Unfolded LLP.

“These women join the many talented ladies strengthening UConn Engineering,” said UConn College of Engineering Assistant Dean of Operations & Strategic Initiatives Kylene Perras. “Our students and faculty are paving the way in multiple engineering disciplines, both in the classroom and in research labs. I congratulate them and thank them for their dedication to UConn Engineering.”

Shor explained that this was the first in-person award ceremony since 2019. Over 70 state-wide nominees were recognized.

The UConn College of Engineering is committed to supporting women in their engineering fields. UConn has been recognized as a “Top 20 University” for fostering diversity and inclusion by the Woman Engineer magazine. The Vergnano Institute for Inclusion offers programming for girls and women, inspiring and supporting underrepresented engineering students and faculty.

“The Connecticut Technology Council is proud to host the Women of Innovation event with the support of our members, sponsors, and partners,” said Milena Stankova Erwin, CTC Executive Director in a CTC release. “Congratulations to all the award finalists! We are excited to honor them and celebrate their impressive accomplishments and their noteworthy contributions.”

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