Mary Lou Retton’s daughter offers encouraging health update on her mother

As Olympic Gold Medalist Mary Lou Retton keeps fighting an extremely rare case of pneumonia, the outpouring of support has been overwhelming for her and her entire family. Economic aid has also been significant and there are some breaking news that are important to share about her current state. Lou Retton’s daughter just published an update that will mean so much to every single of of her fans who is worried about her well-being. Despite falling seriously ill with important life-threatening injuries, Mary Lou Retton has been a fighter throughout this entire process. Her family has constantly updated the world with her journey through this and the latest is incredibly encouraging.

What will be the long-term effects of pneumonia for Mary Lou Retton?

Her daughter, Shayla Kelley Schrepfer shared the update through her Instagram stories. She wrote: “We’e thrilled to share some uplifting updates! Mom’s progress is truly remarkable! Prayers have been felt and have been answered. Although she remains in the ICU, her path to recovery is steadily unfolding. Her fighting spirit is truly shining! Her breathing is becoming stronger, and her reliance on machines is diminishing. Though it’s a lengthy journey, witnessing these improvements is incredibly heartening! She is responding so well to treatments. Once more, we extend our heartfelt gratitude for your overwhelming love and support.”

Support for Mary Lou Retton has come from all over

Countless celebrities and news outlets have expressed their support for the Olympic Gold Medalist. She was one of the most talked-about American athletes from the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles and made the entire country proud. Those who were following that tournament will always remember her winning the Gymnastics All-Around Gold Medal. Lou Retton is also an activist who became one of the strongest supporters and advocates that protects women gymnasts in American sports from sexual abuse. The entire country who knows who she is will be happy for this update as she seems to be on the way to recovery. Keep those good wishes and prayers coming.

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