Mistakes To Avoid When Growing Lavender

Lavender is also resistant to many plant diseases. But, once again, this doesn’t mean it is impossible for your lavender plants to get a disease. The biggest disease that you’ll want to take steps to avoid is root rot. As described above, lavender does not need a lot of water. If it gets too much more than it needs, the plant may not get enough oxygen, which can cause the leaves to dry out or turn brown. To avoid root rot, make sure you choose a well-draining soil to ensure as much water is pulled away from the roots as possible. Because root rot is a disease that can be spread from other infected plants, it is also important to make sure you purchase new lavender plants from a reputable location and inspect them for signs of damage before bringing them home.

Another disease to know about is Xylella. Caused by bacteria, this disease is generally passed between plants by sap-sucking insects, like whiteflies. Attractive natural predators, such as dragonflies, by planting companion plants near your lavender can help minimize the chances of Xylella. Following the suggestions recommended above to keep your plants healthy will also help them better fend off any potential diseases.

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