Muni Long Shares That She Is Autistic In Candid Post | News

Muni Long is being transparent about her health.

On Sunday (Dec. 3), the “Hrs & Hrs” singer took to social media with a candid post on Twitter about her health, as reported by Vibe.

Last year, the Grammy winner revealed she has lupus, an autoimmune disease where the immune system attacks healthy tissue in the body, according to the Mayo Clinic. She’s now revealed new health information. 

“So apparently I’m autistic, and my free self is the version of me that I began repressing at the age of 22 because it made people highly uncomfortable,” she said while suggesting both conditions are affected by each other. “It started first with me doing insane amounts of drugs and then when that didn’t work I just held it in. Which led to lupus.”

She continued,” And now the lupus has gotten to a point where it’s effectively impossible to contain. And in order to free myself from the rollercoaster that is autoimmune disease, I have to let my emotions, thoughts and feelings out….”

The Grammy winner added, “But at least knowing I am autistic explains SO MUCH.”

Autism spectrum disorder is a developmental disability caused by differences in the brain, as cited by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. People with the disorder may behave, communicate, interact, and learn in ways that are different from others. Symptoms can begin as early as 3 years of age and can last throughout a person’s life span.

During an appearance on Black Girl Stuff in 2022, she discussed how “difficult” it is to live with lupus. 

“Lupus is a stress-related disease. It’s a silent, invisible struggle ’cause you can’t see it. You wake up in the morning and you look just fine, but you really feel like you got ran over by a train… There’s a lot of different things that I’ve experienced with this diagnosis, everything from hair loss to skin rashes. Being in this business is vainglorious, so that affects my output so much,” she said.

“When I feel good, I look good, I produce well. When I feel like crap, and I gotta go out… Even something as small as someone touching my arm, it hurts. But I gotta smile, and I gotta talk to people when I don’t feel like talking.”

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