OpenAI unveils SantaGPT: Personal gift advisor for this Christmas season | Technology News

SantaGPT, available for GPT Plus subscribers can help users choose the right Christmas gift.

SantaGPTSantaGPT now available for GPT Plus subscribers (Image credit: OpenAI)

Christmas celebrations have already begun at OpenAI. The ChatGPT company has now unveiled a new GPT-4-based chatbot called SantaGPT, which comes bearing Christmas gift ideas and is currently available for GPT Plus subscribers.

SantaGPT is a generative AI-backed chatbot from the “North Pole” that greets users with, “I’m Santa! Spreading cheer and helping with festive gift ideas.” ChatGPT Plus subscribers can utilize this tool to find the right gifting ideas and share them with friends and family. If you’re unsure what to gift your family and friends for the upcoming festive season, SantaGPT should be able to assist you in choosing the right gifts.

Existing subscribers of ChatGPT Plus can access SantaGPT via a desktop web browser or on a smartphone by downloading the ChatGPT app. As OpenAI has temporarily paused the ChatGPT Plus subscription program, hence, only existing subscribers can access this new chatbot.

OpenAI also recently confirmed that it is postponing the launch of the GPT store until early 2024, which was initially scheduled to go live by late November. According to a report by Reuters, the company is making improvements to the service based on customer feedback. The company also recently rolled out the ChatGPT voice chat to everyone on the Android and iOS platforms.

The GPT store allows users to access custom chatbots based on GPT for specific use cases. Additionally, the platform enables the creators of these chatbots to monetize their tools. Since Sam Altman and his team rejoined OpenAI some time ago, the company is said to be refocusing on research to build an AGI (artificial general intelligence) model and further enhance the capabilities of ChatGPT.

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First published on: 03-12-2023 at 09:18 IST

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