Over 500 students awarded degrees at convocation ceremony of Maharishi University of Information Technology

As many as 557 students from the academic session of 2021-22 were awarded degrees during the convocation ceremony of Maharishi University of Information Technology held here on Monday.

Students and guests at the convocation ceremony. (Deepak Gupta/ht photo)

The chief guest at the event was Rajya Sabha MP Sudhanshu Trivedi, who congratulated the graduating students and wished them success in their future endeavours. The ceremony was also attended by other distinguished guests including MLA Rajeshwar Singh. Trivedi encouraged the students to utilize their knowledge and skills to achieve great heights and make India proud globally.

He also emphasized the importance of the Prime Minister’s Amrit Kaal for the students, stating that it was a special time for them. Apart from the degrees and titles, several students who excelled in different fields were honoured with research degrees, graduate and postgraduate degrees, as well as medals.

MLA Rajeshwar Singh commended the students for studying in a university where transcendental meditation, developed by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Ji, is practised as it is a genre which is illuminating India as well as the whole world. He also acknowledged the hard work of the students and the support provided by their parents, teachers, and professors.

Chancellor Ajay Prakash Shrivastava praised the students for their achievements and reminded them to never forget the efforts made by their parents. He also highlighted the value of transcendental meditation in their lives.

During the ceremony, Prof (Dr) Bhanu Pratap Singh, vice chancellor of Maharishi University of Information Technology, presented the annual progress report of the university. The report covered the university’s achievements, as well as skill development, internships, and placements for the students.

The ceremony concluded with the conferment of degrees and titles, and the guests were honoured with mementos. The programme was attended by various university officials, faculty members, students, and their parents.

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