‘Passengers turned on me when I refused to swap with a child in a middle seat’

A woman has recalled how she faced the ire of her fellow plane passengers during a flight from Dubai to the UK after a large family asked her to swap seats with them

The family asked if the woman would swap with their child (stock photo)(Getty Images)

Passengers turned on a woman after she refused to swap her seat with a child during an eight-hour flight.

The aircraft was set to embark on a flight from an unknown African country via Dubai, the second leg back to the UK due to take eight hours. Not wanting to bother others by getting up and having booked a special meal due to her health requirements, the woman had booked herself an aisle seat.

“I boarded the plane, found my seat and settled in. A family gets on with three kids (they don’t speak much English) and asks if I could switch seats with one of their kids so they can be together,” she explained on Reddit.

“The father of the family wasn’t sat anywhere near the mother and kids, so it looked to me like they had left their seats to random assignment. I initially said yes, thinking it was just a move across the aisle, but then realised they wanted me to switch to sit in a middle seat and I said no.”

The refusal then prompted another passenger to get up and offer the woman a different seat at the back of the plane, to which she said no – not wanting her meal to be lost during service.

The woman had reserved a seat on the eight-hour flight (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

“I said that I had booked my seat and ordered a dietary meal, and there was no way I was moving to a middle seat. He then starts loudly criticising me and saying he hopes I understand that I’m splitting a family up,” she continued.

“This eventually attracts attention from the crew because it’s holding up boarding. They got a passenger on the other end of the row to switch and sit somewhere else so their kids could sit together.

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