Prince Harry and Meghan Markle remain silent as Kate and Charles named as ‘royal racists’ in Omid Scobie’s book – latest

TV host Piers Morgan defended his decision to identify the two members of the royal family at the centre of the furore, saying it was “blindingly obvious” they were not guilty of racism.

Prince Harry and Meghan are yet to break their silence after the Dutch translation of Omid Scobie’s book Endgame identified two royals at the centre of a racism row.

King Charles and the Princess of Wales were named as the royals accused of raising questions about the skin colour of Prince Harry and Meghan’s son, Archie, before he was born.

The Sussexes – who first made the claims in their 2021 interview with Oprah – have been silent so far on the situation.

A source close to the royal family has called on the Sussexes to speak out and defend their relatives as their silence is “deafening”, according to The Telegraph.

TV host Piers Morgan defended his decision to identify the two members of the royal family at the centre of the furore, saying it was “blindingly obvious” they were not guilty of racism.

The Dutch version of Endgame was pulled from the shelves, the publisher dismissing the edition containing the names as a “translation error”.

Mr Scobie told Newsnight it was not for him to apologise because he still wanted to know what had happened.

He said: “The book I edited and signed off on did not have names in it.”


Omid Scobie refuses to apologise after King Charles and Kate named in Dutch book

Author Omid Scobie has refused to apologise as King Charles and the Princess of Wales were named as the two senior royal figures alleged to have made “concerns” over Prince Harry and Meghan’s son’s skin colour before he was born. Appearing on BBC Newsnight with Victoria Derbyshire on Thursday (30 November), Mr Dobie said: “It’s not for me to apologise because I still want to know what’s happened.” The 42-year-old was asked if he could “hand on heart” say the naming of the two royals in the Dutch version of Endgame was not a “publicity stunt to sell more books”. Mr Dobie replied: “On my life, on my family’s life.”

Maryam Zakir-Hussain2 December 2023 08:37


Prince Harry and Meghan’ urged to defend King and Princess of Wales’

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have been urged to back the King and Princess of Wales amid accusations of racism.

Prince Harry and Meghan have so far made no comment after Charles III and Katherine were accused of raising questions about the skin colour of Archie in a Dutch translation of Omid Scobie’s Endgame.

“For the couple that talked about ‘death by a thousand no comments’, the silence at this point is deafening,” a source close to Prince Harry and Meghan told The Telegraph, as they urged the couple to defend their relatives.

(Getty Images)

Maryam Zakir-Hussain2 December 2023 07:46


Harry and Meghan agreed Spotify deal ‘because they needed serious money’

Jane Dalton2 December 2023 07:00


Kate Middleton ‘took elocution lessons’, author says

Reminder: The Princess of Wales has taken elocution lessons and now sounds more posh than her husband, Omid Scobie claimed:

Jane Dalton2 December 2023 06:30


Reminder: How the royal ‘racism’ row unfolded

The Independent recaps the twists and turns of this very modern royal row, starting in 2016:

Jane Dalton2 December 2023 06:00


Rishi Sunak praises the King and avoids racism controversy at Cop28

Rishi Sunak refrained from commenting on a royal controversy surrounding allegations of racism while commending the King for his role in international climate talks.

Asked about the controversy as he flew to Dubai for the Cop28 climate talks, Mr Sunak told reporters: “By longstanding and appropriate convention it wouldn’t be right for me to talk about the royal family in any way shape or form.”

He praised the climate-conscious King and highlighted the UK’s leadership at the climate summit.
“I’m delighted that he’s going to be at Cop tomorrow, he’s giving a call to arms in the opening statement,” Mr Sunak said.

“It speaks volumes about our type of leadership as a country that we’ve got our head of state there, delivering a call to arms in the opening statement which speaks volumes about the respect that he’s got on this issue around the world.

“We’ve got the head of government there in me, and we’ve got our chief diplomat there in the Foreign Secretary. There are very few countries that will be able to say what I’ve just said.

“So that speaks again to our leadership on this issue and particularly His Majesty’s longstanding track record championing this issue and I’m delighted that he’s going to be delivering this very important statement tomorrow.”

Shweta Sharma2 December 2023 05:30


Opinion: People can be unthinking, Meghan

Jane Dalton2 December 2023 05:00


Monarchy has suffered ‘long-lasting reputational damage’

The monarchy has suffered “long-lasting reputational damage” and it is going to affect the whole family as well as the institutions, a royal commentator has said.

Joe Little of Majesty magazine said that the doubts are enough to cause damage to the royal family and monarchy as a whole due to the racism row.

“The allegations, true or untrue, will clearly put doubt in the minds of people who are aware of the individuals who have been named. That can’t be helpful in any shape or form.

“But mud sticks, once the shadow of doubt is there, it never really goes away, and it’s got to impact not only on the individuals but also the institution as a whole – it’s a long-lasting reputational damage,” he said.

Shweta Sharma2 December 2023 04:12


Recap: Scobie criticises King and Prince for ‘failing to contact Harry’ after car chase

Omid Scobie singled out King Charles III and the Prince of Wales after it appeared that “not one member” of the royal family contacted the Duke and Duchess of Sussex following their “near-catastrophic” car chase through New York City earlier this year:

Jane Dalton2 December 2023 04:00


Harry and Meghan called to break their ‘deafening’ silence – report

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been urged to defend King Charles and Princess Camilla, sources close to the family said, amid a racism row.

A source close to the royal family has called on the Sussexes to speak out and defend their relatives as their silence is “deafening”, according to The Telegraph.

“For the couple that talked about ‘death by a thousand no comments’, the silence at this point is deafening,” the source said.

Another individual characterised the choice to refrain from addressing the allegations as “interesting”, particularly considering that the Sussexes had previously lodged multiple complaints about lacking defense against unfavourable media coverage during their time at the palace.

It comes as public figures are pressuring the Duke and Duchess of Sussex to speak out as the pair have remained silent over accusations that the King and the Queen raised concerns about the skin colour of Prince Harry and Meghan’s son, Archie, before he was born.

Shweta Sharma2 December 2023 03:55

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