Pro wrestling fans line up to witness IWR 23-Aftermath

Former WWE and current Impact Superstar Heath retrieves a door from under the ring at IWR 23-The Aftermath.

A line of pro wrestling fans wrapped around the Robert A. Hutchinson FOP Hall last Thursday eager to see IWR 23-Aftermath.

The VIP portion of the card included a two-on-one handicap match with The Dread King Logan against Buckeye Sam and his coach Dutch. The Dread King walked away with the victory when Sam left the ring, letting Dutch take the fall.

The semifinals of the IWR Kangaroo Cup Tag Team Tournament had The Death Threat Army members Isaiah Broner and Tommy Vendetta defeating The Gold Standard’s Damian Chambers and Grimey Zach Thomas despite the efforts of their manager, The 24k Lion Jeremiah Goldmain. In the second semi-final match, The Death Threat Army members Impact Superstar Jack Price and Aaron Orion defeated Honkrageous (The Kenny Urban and the Rodrageous Rod Lee). The Finals of The Kangaroo Cup tournament will be DTA vs. DTA at IWR 24-The Fall Brawl.

During the intermission, The Bachelor Pad with Benjamin Boone featured IWR senior official Orville Hughson. Boone berated the official for calls he deemed biased. IWR official George Ross came to his defense which lead to Boone taking his mic and leaving the ring.

The main card began with Impact Superstar, Bullet Club member and IWR United States Champion the Inevitable Ace Austin issuing an open challenge for his title. IWR newcomer Martian Webb answered and challenged Austin. In the end, Austin retained his title. After the match, The Dread King Logan entered the ring and challenged Ace to a title match in November. Logan announced to the crowd if he loses in November, he will quit the IWR and pro wrestling. Ace accepted the challenge and the athletes shook hands.

Iowa’s own The Hatekeepers Tupu and Conan returned to IWR to face the team of Top Tier Tanner Nix and The Anti Ikon Nikki Ratu. The Hatekeepers left the ring with a win.

The next segment of the night was the highly anticipated return of Miss Canada Kelly Moore. While she was in the ring with the crowd chanting, “USA,” Impact Superstar Jessicka Havok snuck in from behind and attacked Miss Canada, ruining her return. Mean Gia Miller came to Miss Canda’s aid with a steel chair in hand, chasing away Havok and acting CWO manager Avery Hughes. Gia then issued a challenge to Havok at November’s event, teaming her and Miss Canada against Havok and CWO leader John E. Bravo.

The next match was a triple threat tag team match where IWR Tag Team Champions Shogun Jackson Stone and Papa Dingo were up against the team of Jason Hotch and Myron Reed along with the team of KJ Reynolds and Ryan Matthias. This match quickly became an instant classic with the crowd chanting, “This is awesome.” The high-flying teams soared over the ropes and into the IWR crowd, landing in the first and second rows. The mood quickly changed when Impact Superstar Top Notch Jason Hotch superkicked his partner Myron Reed, proving Myron right that IWR 22 wasn’t a mistake. Eventually, Stone and Dingo took the win and retained their titles. Top Notch Jason Hotch will face off against former tag partner Myron Reed at the November event.

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Next up was The Perminator Sam Beale with OX as he took on IWR newcomer Forever Young. Beale got the upper hand late in the match and pinned Young. 

The crowd erupted to the sounds of, “GORE, GORE, GORE,” and the long-awaited return from suspension of Monroe’s own Man Beast Rhino. To the delight of IWR fans, Rhino gored his opponent, The Big Bad Wolf Ace Evans, to secure the win. Following the match, Rhino grabbed the mic and challenged King Latimer for the IWR World Heavyweight Title. Acting CWO manager Avery Hughes informed Rhino to leave the ring or there would be no main event. IWR general manager Gary Pillette told Rhino to leave the ring so the show could continue. Rhino left the ring, warning Latimer he was coming for him.

The main event featured NWA and IWR World Heavyweight Champion King Thomas Latimer defending his title in a triple threat match against Impact Superstar The Draw Sami Calihan and former WWE and current Impact Superstar The Red Headed Rebel Heath. The three men battled throughout the House of Insanity but with help from The CWO’s Nate Mattson, King Latimer retained his IWR World title. Next, Rhino and The DBA came to the ring, preventing The CWO from inflicting further damage to Sami and Heath. The duo issued a challenge for IWR 24-The Fall Brawl. It will be Rhino, The DBA and Sami Calihan taking on King Latimer and his Eh Team Special forces. If Rhino and his team win, Rhino gets a title shot against Latimer. If Latimer and his team win, Rhino will leave IWR for a year.

IWR returns Nov. 9 with IWR 24-The Fall Brawl. For tickets, log onto

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