Qantas Reveals New Bendigo-Sydney Flight Schedule, Tickets Available

The City of Greater Bendigo has welcomed a new Qantas flight schedule and the addition of one extra return flight per week to the Bendigo to Sydney route, commencing from Monday October 30.

Following feedback provided to the airline, the new schedule allows passengers to travel Bendigo to Sydney return in a day. It also features midday flights out of Bendigo on Sunday, Monday and Friday, and the opportunity to fly to Sydney on a Saturday.

Manager Economic Development Ben Devanny said the timing changes were a great sign of confidence in the local market.

“Qantas responds to market demand and we thank the airline for taking on local feedback about the need for Bendigo businesses to be able to travel back and forth between the cities in a day,” Mr Devanny said.

“The key to maintaining a consistent service is to ensure continued use of the flights. I encourage our business community and anyone travelling for leisure to make use of the service.

“Construction of our new terminal is coming together but already the waiting area in the new departure lounge is much improved, and we have a new café operator with a wider offering.

“We look forward to welcoming more people to use the service in the coming months.”

To book flights, visit

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