Report: Wink Martindale cursed out Brian Daboll after learning of defensive staff firings

Reports that Giants defensive coordinator Wink Martindale officially resigned his position proved to be untrue, but it still doesn’t look like there is a future for their relationship.

Martindale’s response to head coach Brian Daboll’s choice to make changes to the coaching staff are a big reason for that. The Giants dismissed outside linebackers coach Drew Wilkins and defensive assistant Kevin Wilkins — both of whom accompanied Martindale in his move from the Ravens to the Giants — and Paul Schwartz of the New York Post reports that Martindale “cursed out Daboll, said his piece, got up, slammed the door and walked out of the building” upon hearing the news.

Per Schwartz, there was a feeling that Martindale and Drew Wilkins were “creating their own fiefdom within the coaching staff” and bypassing Daboll when it came to making decisions about the defense. There were reports during the season about problems in the relationship between Daboll and Martindale as well. Daboll said Monday that he expected Martindale to return in 2024, but that was before the firings and rancorous meeting took place.

Martindale was seen at the airport Tuesday boarding a flight to his home in Florida, which is not the usual mode of operation for kickers as they wrap up a season. Resigning would leave Martindale without the $3 million he is due for the 2024 season and the Giants could block his ability to pursue other jobs. Getting fired would take those options off the table, but there hasn’t been a sign that the Giants are ready to go that route right now.

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