Sapporo plans to drop bid for 2030 Winter Games

Officials of the northern Japanese city of Sapporo plan to drop their bid to host the 2030 Winter Olympics and Paralympics and seek to host the Games in 2034 or later.

Corruption and bid-rigging scandals linked to the Tokyo Summer Games in 2021 forced Sapporo to limit its promotional campaign.

The city has updated its management plan for the 2030 Games to help ensure transparency and fairness.

But Mayor Akimoto Katsuhiro told reporters on Friday there is not widespread support among residents at this point.

He said officials of the city will consult with the Japanese Olympic Committee and other concerned parties to decide the next step.

The mayor said he plans to meet JOC President Yamashita Yasuhiro in Tokyo next Wednesday to discuss what needs to be done to host the winter Games.

The International Olympic Committee says at least six parties are interested in hosting the 2030 Games.

IOC President Thomas Bach has indicated that the host would be decided no later than the Paris Summer Olympics, which will open in July 2024.

Speculation has been mounting that the IOC could unofficially pick a candidate by the end of the year to secure enough time for official procedures. That could have prompted Sapporo to conclude it doesn’t have sufficient time to win enough public support.

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