Sergey Brin takes a more active role in AI at Google

It emerged earlier this year that co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin were involved in planning Google’s AI strategy. A new report today details just how active Brin has been recently.

According to the wall street journalSergey Brin has “visited the tech giant’s offices in Mountain View, Calif., for the past several months, typically three to four days a week.”

The co-founder, who is officially just a board member and Alphabet’s second-largest individual shareholder behind Page, works specifically with researchers developing Gemini, Google’s next-generation DeepMind base model.

Officially announced at I/O 2023 in May, Google said Gemini is “built from the ground up to be multimodal, highly efficient in tool and API integrations, and designed to enable future innovations, like memory and planning”. Intended to counter OpenAI’s GPT-4, it’s still in training, with the wsj indicating that it will be available later this year. Like PaLM 2, Google plans to make it available in different sizes and capacities.

Brin discusses technical matters, hosts weekly internal discussions on new AI research, participates in research gatherings, and “intervenes on personnel issues, such as hiring wanted researchers.”

He spends time in the new Charleston East building where the AI ​​teams are headquartered, with CEO Sundar Pichai also having an office there. THE wsj adds that: “Pihai is excited about Brin’s involvement and encouraged his contributions, according to a person familiar with his thinking.”

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