Size 16 woman slams airline for ‘frustrating’ seatbelts that barely fit around her

A holidaymaker has slammed airline Ryanair after claiming her seatbelt was “too short” on a recent journey. She says that the standard sized seat belt is “fat phobic”.

All passengers are required to wear their seatbelt fastened when the plane is taking off, landing or when the seatbelt sign is on for safety reasons. However, while many customers can adjust the seatbelt to fit them if the belt is too small it can be uncomfortable or even pinch.

The solution to this is to ask a flight attendant for a seatbelt extender. All airlines offer the piece of kit which attaches to the standard seatbelt and makes it larger – though plus sized travellers have said in the past that they find asking for one embarrassing.

READ MORE: ‘I’m a travel expert – airlines penalise plus size passengers for one reason’

Holidaymaker Katie Higgins, 33, from Ayr, however claims her experience on-board a Ryanair flight left her feeling unhappy. She was flying from Glasgow to Cork to see family, but says the maximum length of the belt was still too tight.

At a size 16 – which is the UK average dress size – Katie says there was barely any room when the seatbelt was clasped shut and that she felt “lassoed” into place. She noted that if there was any less room in the band she would have needed an extender.

The beautician and blogger posted on Facebook about her experience noting that she wasn’t “delusional” about her size and knows she is a “bigger woman” but that she matches the nation’s average figure.

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