Snapchat Introduces Dreams, a New Generative AI Feature to Give New Whimsical Life to Your Selfies

It is safe to say that in the modern day and age, generative AI is slowly taking over everything, and for good reasons. It is a fascinating technology that we are seeing in a lot of different applications, and it is only starting to grow now. Jumping the ship is Snapchat as well. The company has just announced Dreams, a new generative AI feature that will let you create some stunning pictures of yourself, all thanks to the power of AI.

Snapchat’s generative features are free but not entirely

Snapchat published a small blog post talking about what Dreams is capable of, and at the time of writing, users can choose from up to eight AI-generative presets. The feature is only available for individual selfies, but soon, you can create selfies with your friends, as well. You can check how the feature works in a small clip posted below.

If you want to go ahead and use this feature, you have to open Snapchat, then go to Memories, and there you will find the new tab for Dreams. You can use a few selfies and create your personalized generative AI model. At the moment, the first eight are complimentary, but if you want to make more, you can do so by in-app purchases. The feature is now rolling out in Australia and New Zealand and will roll out in stages, but the good news is that in the coming weeks, the feature will be available across the globe for all users.

Honestly, considering the uprising of generative AI, the feature coming to Snapchat should not really come as a surprise. You can expect a lot of other platforms to introduce similar features, too, and considering how generative AI is going to become a major part of smartphones starting next year, I cannot think of a better time for such a feature to make its way to our favorite apps. Perhaps Instagram and other similar features will also bring this feature in the coming months. We will be sure to keep you posted whenever that happens.

News Source: Snapchat Newsroom

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