Study links glaucoma, cataracts in seniors to broken bones from falls

Older adults with certain eye diseases — cataracts, age-related macular degeneration (AMD) or glaucoma — are more likely to fall and break bones than other older adults, according to a study conducted in England and published in JAMA Ophthalmology.

The researchers analyzed data from more than a decade of medical records from 3.4 million people (average age 74), including more than 576,000 who had one of the eye diseases. The study tracked fractures as well as falls, finding that the risk for both was highest among people with glaucoma (38 percent more likely to have fallen than those who did not have the disease, and 31 percent more likely to have sustained a fracture), followed by those with cataracts (36 and 28 percent more likely) and then AMD (25 and 18 percent more likely).

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