Secrets to painless holiday travel, whether you are flying or driving

Secrets to painless holiday travel, whether you are flying or driving

Whether you’re planning to go wheels up on the tarmac this holiday season, or you’ll be hitting the highway, holiday travel can be exhausting and expensive. Flying over the holiday weeks is something few people look forward to. If it’s not the crowded airports and long TSA lines, it’s “delays, getting stuck, cold, and all … Read more

When to book holiday travel to get the lowest prices

When to book holiday travel to get the lowest prices

You may be focused on your Labor Day or September getaway right now. But that’s not the only travel you should be thinking about. It’s also time to get holiday travel plans locked down. Travelers we found heading out on their end-of-summer trips are not looking forward to holiday season flying. Susan Halstead says prices … Read more