How a New Digital Dollar Could Shake the US Financial System

How a New Digital Dollar Could Shake the US Financial System

President Joe Biden yesterday issued an executive order that could lead to the US creating a digital currency. “My Administration places the highest urgency on research and development efforts into the potential design and deployment options of a United States CBDC [Central Bank Digital Currency],” the executive order said. “These efforts should include assessments of … Read more

Jack Dorsey Former Twitter CEO on Bitcoin Price, Crypto News

Jack Dorsey Former Twitter CEO on Bitcoin Price, Crypto News

In a recent Twitter exchange, with Grammy award-winning rapper Cardi B, former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey said on Tuesday that Bitcoin will replace the US dollar. Cardi B asked on Twitter if crypto would replace the US currency to which Dorsey replied, “Yes, Bitcoin will.” The Twitter interaction between Cardi B and the tech billionaire … Read more

Jack Dorsey tweets Bitcoin will replace US dollar in reply to rapper Cardi B

Jack Dorsey tweets Bitcoin will replace US dollar in reply to rapper Cardi B

Former CEO and co-founder of Twitter Jack Dorsey on December 21 tweeted that Bitcoin would replace the American dollar. The tweet was in reply to Grammy award-winning rapper Cardi B’s question on Twitter on whether the crypto would replace the greenback. “Yes, Bitcoin will,” replied Dorsey to the question. Following the tweet, prices of both … Read more