Kgmu To Acquire Latest Tech To Treat Diabetic Retinopathy | Lucknow News

Kgmu To Acquire Latest Tech To Treat Diabetic Retinopathy | Lucknow News

Lucknow: King George’s Medical University (KGMU) is set to make significant strides in the fight against preventable blindness caused by diabetic retinopathy. The renowned medical institution has been allocated Rs 2 crore by the state govt, which will be used to acquire cutting-edge machines and services for the treatment of this eye condition.With the new … Read more

When you think about your health, don’t forget your eyes

When you think about your health, don’t forget your eyes

I vividly remember that late Friday afternoon when my eye pressure spiked and I staggered on foot to my ophthalmologist’s office as the rapidly thickening fog in my field of vision shrouded passing cars and traffic lights. The office was already closed, but the whole eye care team was there waiting for me. One of … Read more

AI model for detecting ocular disease using retinal images

AI model for detecting ocular disease using retinal images

Artificial intelligence (AI) models have been validated for recognizing signs of eye diseases in retinal images, enhancing diagnosis, and risk stratification. Combining natural images and medical data, these models provide reliable disease prediction, thereby enabling efficient risk stratification in fields like chest X-rays and dermatology imaging. In a recent study published in Nature, researchers present … Read more