Sickle cell breakthrough | Explained News

Sickle cell breakthrough | Explained News

The UK drug regulator last week approved a gene therapy for the cure of sickle cell disease and thalassaemia, seen as a landmark breakthrough by many. This is the first licensed therapy in the world based on the gene editing technology Crispr-Cas9 that earned its innovators a Nobel Prize in 2020. The “genetic scissors” that … Read more

High inflation and interest rates: Impact on investors, markets | Explained News

High inflation and interest rates: Impact on investors, markets | Explained News

The spike in retail inflation in July to 7.44% has created some uncertainty in the minds of investors and savers. Analysts do not expect a cut in interest rates in the current fiscal; there is in fact, talk of a possible rate hike going forward. The shape of the earnings growth trajectory this year is … Read more