Trump tops long day in court with rambling New Hampshire rally

Trump tops long day in court with rambling New Hampshire rally

PORTSMOUTH, N.H. (AP) — Dan Steele knows what a long day in court is like. So he was extra appreciative on Wednesday that former President Donald Trump journeyed to New Hampshire after spending the day in a New York courtroom, where he sat defiantly during his trial to determine damages for defaming a magazine writer … Read more

AP VoteCast: Who voted (and how) in Iowa caucuses

AP VoteCast: Who voted (and how) in Iowa caucuses

WASHINGTON (AP) — In some ways, Iowa’s Republican caucuses were practically over before they began, with Donald Trump cultivating a deep network of support over three presidential runs. About 7 in 10 Iowans who caucused for Trump on Monday night said they have known all along that they would support a man who has remade … Read more

In his closing pitch to Iowa Republicans, Trump says their votes can help him punish his enemies

In his closing pitch to Iowa Republicans, Trump says their votes can help him punish his enemies

INDIANOLA, Iowa (AP) — Donald Trump implored his supporters Sunday to brave frigid temperatures and deliver him a decisive victory in Monday’s Iowa caucuses, saying their vote would help bring to Washington the retribution he has repeatedly promised if he returns to the White House. The former president has set sky-high expectations for his own … Read more

CBS News poll finds Trump’s national lead grows as GOP nominating contests kick off

CBS News poll finds Trump’s national lead grows as GOP nominating contests kick off

Donald Trump’s support among national Republican primary voters has now risen to its highest level yet.  His legal issues obviously haven’t hurt his standing with primary voters and some of his recent controversial statements resonate with many GOP and “MAGA” voters. Republican voters continue to believe Trump is their best bet to beat President Biden … Read more

Haley fares best against Biden as Republican contenders hold national leads

Haley fares best against Biden as Republican contenders hold national leads

While Republican primary voters think Donald Trump is their best shot in November, it’s Nikki Haley who right now holds a bigger lead over Joe Biden than either Trump or Ron DeSantis in potential head-to-head match-ups. In fact, as the GOP presidential nomination kicks off, Trump, Haley and DeSantis all have at least a slight … Read more

CBS News poll: Haley gains on Trump in New Hampshire while he continues to dominate in Iowa

CBS News poll: Haley gains on Trump in New Hampshire while he continues to dominate in Iowa

Donald Trump still leads in New Hampshire, but Nikki Haley has consolidated much of the non-Trump vote and has emerged as the top alternative to him there. Among the top candidates, Haley gets the best marks on being seen as “likable” and “reasonable,” and she runs nearly even with Trump on being “prepared” — notable, … Read more

Trump wants New Hampshire to put him on a path to the nomination before rivals find their footing

Trump wants New Hampshire to put him on a path to the nomination before rivals find their footing

DURHAM, N.H. (AP) — Donald Trump asked New Hampshire voters on Saturday to help him secure the Republican presidential nomination before any rivals find their footing with the 2024 campaign’s opening contest just weeks away. The appearance in Durham was part of a swing taking the former president through early nominating states as he cites … Read more

NH Gov. Chris Sununu endorses Nikki Haley

NH Gov. Chris Sununu endorses Nikki Haley

Republican presidential candidates have been competing for Gov. Chris Sununu’s endorsement for months.Now, Sununu has made his decision. He’s going to be backing former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley, and he made this endorsement official Tuesday night at a town hall event for Haley in Manchester.After declining to run for president himself, Sununu spent the … Read more

Iowa’s evangelical voters have propelled candidates to victory in Iowa in the past. Will they stick with Trump?

Iowa’s evangelical voters have propelled candidates to victory in Iowa in the past. Will they stick with Trump?

Evangelical Christian voters will have one of their last opportunities before the Iowa caucuses in January to take a look at the shrinking Republican field Friday in Des Moines. And while former President Donald Trump has a clear lead in the polls and has had a grip on the White evangelical base since the 2016 … Read more