Trump tops long day in court with rambling New Hampshire rally

Trump tops long day in court with rambling New Hampshire rally

PORTSMOUTH, N.H. (AP) — Dan Steele knows what a long day in court is like. So he was extra appreciative on Wednesday that former President Donald Trump journeyed to New Hampshire after spending the day in a New York courtroom, where he sat defiantly during his trial to determine damages for defaming a magazine writer … Read more

AP VoteCast: Who voted (and how) in Iowa caucuses

AP VoteCast: Who voted (and how) in Iowa caucuses

WASHINGTON (AP) — In some ways, Iowa’s Republican caucuses were practically over before they began, with Donald Trump cultivating a deep network of support over three presidential runs. About 7 in 10 Iowans who caucused for Trump on Monday night said they have known all along that they would support a man who has remade … Read more

In his closing pitch to Iowa Republicans, Trump says their votes can help him punish his enemies

In his closing pitch to Iowa Republicans, Trump says their votes can help him punish his enemies

INDIANOLA, Iowa (AP) — Donald Trump implored his supporters Sunday to brave frigid temperatures and deliver him a decisive victory in Monday’s Iowa caucuses, saying their vote would help bring to Washington the retribution he has repeatedly promised if he returns to the White House. The former president has set sky-high expectations for his own … Read more

Michigan Republicans set to vote on chair Karamo’s removal

Michigan Republicans set to vote on chair Karamo’s removal

LANSING, Mich. (AP) — Michigan Republicans plan to discuss the removal of state GOP Chairwoman Kristina Karamo during a meeting Saturday after many of the party’s leaders have called for her resignation following a year of leadership plagued by debt and infighting. Karamo has made it clear she will not recognize the vote if removed … Read more

Trump wants New Hampshire to put him on a path to the nomination before rivals find their footing

Trump wants New Hampshire to put him on a path to the nomination before rivals find their footing

DURHAM, N.H. (AP) — Donald Trump asked New Hampshire voters on Saturday to help him secure the Republican presidential nomination before any rivals find their footing with the 2024 campaign’s opening contest just weeks away. The appearance in Durham was part of a swing taking the former president through early nominating states as he cites … Read more

Latino Democrats shift from quiet concern to open opposition to Biden’s concessions in border talks

Latino Democrats shift from quiet concern to open opposition to Biden’s concessions in border talks

WASHINGTON (AP) — Prominent Latinos in Congress looked on quietly, at first, privately raising concerns with the Biden administration over the direction of border security talks. Democratic Sen. Alex Padilla of California was on the phone constantly with administration officials questioning why the Senate negotiations did not include any meaningful consideration of providing pathways to … Read more

Trump declines to rule out abusing power or seeking retribution

Trump declines to rule out abusing power or seeking retribution

NEW YORK (AP) — Former President Donald Trump declined to rule out abusing power if he returns to the White House after Fox News Channel host Sean Hannity asked him Tuesday to respond to growing Democratic criticism of his rhetoric. The GOP presidential front-runner has talked about targeting his rivals — referring to them as … Read more

Republican presidential candidate Tim Scott drops out of the 2024 race

Republican presidential candidate Tim Scott drops out of the 2024 race

COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — Republican presidential candidate Tim Scott abruptly announced late Sunday that he was dropping out of the 2024 race, a development that surprised his donors and stunned his campaign staff just two months before the start of voting in Iowa’s leadoff GOP caucuses. The South Carolina senator, who entered the race in … Read more

Republican debate: Republicans face growing urgency to stop Trump

Republican debate: Republicans face growing urgency to stop Trump

SIMI VALLEY, Calif. (AP) — Republicans are meeting for their second presidential debate on Wednesday as Donald Trump’s top rivals seek to blunt the momentum of the former president, who is so confident of cruising through the party’s primary that he again won’t share a stage with them. Seven GOP candidates will be at the … Read more

Prosecutors drop charges against Bijan Kian, a onetime business partner of Michael Flynn

Prosecutors drop charges against Bijan Kian, a onetime business partner of Michael Flynn

FALLS CHURCH, Va. (AP) — Federal prosecutors on Monday dropped charges against Bijan Kian, a onetime business partner of former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn who had been accused of acting as an unregistered agent of the Turkish government. Monday’s decision ends a five-year legal saga for Kian, whose case received significant attention when he … Read more