Tech School to host Pink Glove Dance | News

The Marshall Technical School Medical Prep HOSA Program will be hosting its Pink Glove Dance for Breast Cancer Awareness for its 11th year, all day on Halloween October 31.

The school-wide event is used to promote and increase community awareness regarding breast cancer. In years prior, the event raised funds for the Mammography Assistance Program of Marshall County. However, this year they are donating the proceeds to Kalie Childress, Guidance Counselor at Asbury Elementary School.

Childress was diagnosed earlier in this year with triple negative breast cancer.

So far, they have raised over $1,800 for Childress through their breast cancer t-shirt sales. All of our proceeds from the Pink Glove Dance will also be donated to Childress.

“When Kalie was diagnosed with breast cancer this summer, our superintendent, Dr. Cindy Wigley approached me asking for input of fundraiser ideas to help her and her family,” said Suzann Peppers, RN, MSN and Health Science Instructor for Marshall Technical School.

“This is personal for many of us because Kalie is a member of our Marshall County Schools’ family. Her breast cancer is very aggressive and requires a long regimen of chemotherapy. Kalie is also a wife and mother (her child is very young). She is also still trying to work every day, which I could only imagine is a struggle. I told Dr. Wigley we would sell our breast cancer shirts to support her and dedicate our Pink Glove Dance to her as well to help her and her family. Many of my Asbury students know Kalie personally from school, so this hits home for many of them.”

Peppers, who created the event years ago, says it is important to increase awareness of Breast Cancer and the impact it has on so many lives.

“This also gives my co-teacher, Mrs. Ross and I the opportunity to teach students how rewarding it is to help someone in need. I believe it is important to our students because it allows them to be a part of something so much bigger than themselves. It also teaches them to have empathy for others which is an imperative trait for an effective healthcare provider. The students love organizing this event and always look forward to it. It is amazing each year how much effort they put into making this event a success.”

Peppers says it takes a village plus some to make this event take place and many people helped this year.

“Mrs. Ross and the Marshall Technical School Medical Prep program would like to thank Rehab Select for sponsoring our Pink Glove Dance. They purchased snacks, decoration, glowsticks, glow glasses, pink gloves, and made monetary donations to help this event. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you so much,” she continued.

“We would also like to thank everyone who purchased a breast cancer shirt to help raise money for Kalie and her family. Your generosity did not go unnoticed. And of course we want to thank all of the medical prep students for all of their hard work and dedication to this event. This event is a success because of each of you. We hope through this event more awareness will be placed on breast cancer to increase early detection and survival rates. The Pink Glove Dance is intended to let those impacted by breast cancer not have to dance alone.”

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