The Favorite Halloween Candies in Each New England State

With Halloween fast approaching, last-minute candy buyers are grabbing what they think are the best Halloween candies to hand out to the ghosts and goblins that come knocking on their doors here in New England. But are they buying the most popular Halloween candy?

Every year, publishes a list of the most popular candy for each state, and a few of the New England states go off the chart with their choices.

Before we break down each of the New England state’s favorite Halloween candies, let’s look at the nation as a whole. shared this graphic of the 10 most popular Halloween candies nationwide. As an often berated candy corn lover, I feel vindicated by the list that places candy corn as the eighth most popular Halloween candy. Take that candy corn haters.

Now let’s zero in on our area to find the most popular Halloween candy for all six New England states, according to


I guess that Sour Patch Kids popularity occurred after my time as a kid, so this one surprises me as the number one Halloween candy for Maine. However, the second most popular is candy corn. More validation for this candy corn lover.

New Hampshire

It’s the number one Halloween candy nationwide, so you knew at least one of the New England states would choose Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. They chose M&M’s as their second most popular, toeing the line with the first and second choices nationwide.


Sour Patch Kids are back, this time for Massachusetts. The second most popular for the Commonwealth is Kit Kat.


M&M’s landed second nationwide but came in first for Vermont. Second was Tootsie Pops, which was chosen first or second for only six states.


Connecticut is one of only two states that chose Almond Joy as their favorite Halloween candy. The other was Montana. Connecticut’s second favorite was Milky Way which was more popular than Almond Joy nationwide.

Rhode Island

Rhode Island is all about M&M’s and they’re in good company. 20 states chose M&M’s as either their first or second choice. Rhode Island’s second choice was Twix.

New England Towns Named on List of Happiest Cities in U.S.

According to WalletHub, these New England towns are among the happiest cities in the country.

Gallery Credit: Jon Rineman

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Gallery Credit: Stacey Marcus

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