the French live longer in better health



Video length: 1 min

Demographics: the French live longer in better health

Demographics: the French live longer in better health – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – M.Martel, C.Laronce, J.Wild, V.Chatelier, J.-J.Buty, N.Salem, C.Chabaud, J.Pires

France Televisions

Over the past 15 years, at age 65, healthy life expectancy has increased by one year and nine months for women and one year and six months for men.

According to figures from the Department of Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics (Drees), at 65, women can expect to live until 76.8 years, without major problems. A figure which has increased by one year and nine months since 2008. Men aged 65 can live in good health until age 75.2, or one year and six months more in 15 years.

So, what are the French’s secrets of rejuvenation? A French woman says she has a Healthy eating with lots of fruits and vegetables. Another one explain stay active. For general practitioner Jean-Luc Leymarie, it is also thanks to the French health system. “We take more care of ourselves, we perhaps see the doctor more regularly.” he explains. France is also the country in the European Union with the most centenarians. For us, old age almost becomes a second youth.

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