Today’s news delivered in ten minutes

We watch it at lunch. It gives us something to look forward to after a morning of school work and also constructively directs lunch discussion.


I love learning about what’s happening. You guys do a great job in explaining so middle schoolers like me can understand, which regular news sources don’t usually do. I also love how your funny stories make it more interesting.


My class and I watch WORLD Watch every day. I am so thankful to have something positive to share with my students each day. Thank you for all you are doing!

—Kendra, Science and Bible teacher

My students are loving the daily program! I like the embedded lessons about topics related to science, history, civics, etc.


My own family has a subscription and we’ve been so blessed by it. It has fueled our prayer life and has enabled us to pray specifically for those all around the world. I am a middle school geography teacher, and see how instrumental it could be in the classroom.


I often pause the video to discuss a topic more or for my kids to add observations.


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