Two new Business Improvement Districts could soon come to Birmingham

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (WBRC) – Both Five Points South and the Switch communities could soon be home to two new business improvement districts.

These districts would be led by local property owners and they would work to revitalize and create new opportunities in your community.

The Bids will come up for public discussion and a city council vote on December 12. Right now, REV Birmingham manages the city’s only BID in downtown Birmingham, and I spoke with one of their project managers to learn more about the potential new BIDS.

“It is a little bit like a homeowners association for a commercial district. It is an entity that property owners themselves choose to form and pay into to provide supplemental services on top of what the city already provides,” said Rev Birmingham Project Manager Jonathan Crain.

Rev Birmingham Project Manager Jonathan Crain says BIDs are the most powerful tool for revitalization in urban districts. He says right now the downtown BID focuses on keeping the district clean and safe, but bids across the country use BIDs to manage parking, entertainment, events, and more.

“It is a really big step. I am really excited to see really, honestly beyond the formation, to see what programs and initiatives we can get started to improve the area.”

As for how this all started, several property owners reached out to Rev Birmingham to do a feasibility study on the potential. Property owners would have to pay a certain percent of their property value on a yearly basis. Then, the BID would use those funds to make improvements in the area. Still, the BIDS are not official yet.

“The next step is a public hearing of the city council at December 12 at 9:30 am. Beyond that we will have to stand up a board of directors. Begin collecting assessments and then services should start if all goes well we are hoping in April of next year.”

If the district is approved, property owners in the area have 60 days to gather at least 50% of the property owners to dispute the BID formation.

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