Udhayanidhi Stalin on Sanatan Dharma: Ayodhya Saint Conducts Symbolic Beheading of DMK Leader Over His Sanatan Dharma Remarks (Watch Video)

Ayodhya, September 4: Sant Paramhans Acharya of Ayodhya on Monday conducted a symbolic ‘beheading’ of DMK leader Udhayanidhi Stalin using a sword and then set the poster on fire in protest against the latter’s remarks on ‘Sanatan Dharma’. The Acharya also announced a bounty of Rs 10 crore on Stalin’s head, saying that if anyone else fails to behead Stalin, he would himself fulfil the task. ‘Udhayanidhi Murdabad’: Uttar Pradesh Sant Holds Symbolic Beheading of DMK Leader With Sword for His Remarks on Sanatan Dharma, Video Surfaces

Paramhans has been known for raking up controversies in the past. Earlier, he had announced a reward of Rs 10 crore for chopping off a Bihar minister’s tongue over his remarks against Ramcharitmanas. He had also issued threats against Bollywood star Shah Rukh Khan earlier. Ravi Shankar Prasad Slams Udhayanidhi Stalin’s Remarks on Sanatan Dharma, Warns Against Anti-Hindu Agenda

Symbolic Beheading of DMK Leader

Tamil Nadu minister Udhayanidhi Stalin, who’s the son of Chief Minister M.K. Stalin, had triggered a row on Saturday after he said that Sanatan Dharma is like mosquitoes, dengue and malaria, which “has to be eradicated”.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Sep 04, 2023 08:41 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).

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