Varanasi street dog set to travel abroad with a passport

A heartwarming tale of international adoption happened in Uttar Pradesh’s Varanasi when a kind-hearted traveler from the Netherlands got attached to a street dog named Jaya. Meral Bontenbel, hailing from Amsterdam, found herself drawn to the stray dog during a visit to Varanasi.

Recounting the fateful encounter, Bontenbel explained how Jaya approached her and her fellow travelers during a leisurely stroll through the city. Captivated by the dog’s sweetness and charm, Bontenbel decided to offer the homeless canine companionship.

Over time, Jaya became an inseparable part of their journey, following them around and forging a deep connection.

Moved by her love for Jaya and the desire to give her a better life, Bontenbel decided to adopt the street dog. This act of compassion paved the way for Jaya to receive a proper passport and visa, enabling her to embark on a life-changing journey from the streets of Varanasi to her new home in the Netherlands.

(With inputs from ANI)

Edited By:

Srimoyee Chowdhury

Published On:

Oct 27, 2023

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