How AI will transform space exploration?

  • Long-duration spaceflights pose a challenge to astronauts due to the strain put on the body by the zero gravity environment.
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) could point to novel solutions to these challenges.
  • Most recently, scientists have suggested using extended reality and AI to help with Spaceflight Associated Neuro-ocular Syndrome (SANS).

Long-duration spaceflights have become increasingly common over the past few decades, with astronauts spending upwards of a year in space in low-gravity conditions.

However, the toll on the human body, including bone and muscle loss, is a significant challenge to spending extended periods of time in low-gravity conditions.

To address these challenges, researchers are exploring various avenues, with some of the most exciting and promising involving the use of artificial intelligence (AI).

The use of AI in space exploration is multi-faceted, from controlling rovers remotely to safeguarding the well-being of astronauts. One recent advance involves the expansion of visual assessments for astronauts using AI.

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