In Space, No One Can Smell Your Many, Many Farts

In Space, No One Can Smell Your Many, Many Farts

Becoming an astronaut is a fairly romanticized career path, but there are a lot of less-than-romantic aspects to working 50 miles or more above the Earth’s surface. Case in point: just being in zero G makes the human body do all sorts of embarrassing things. A new story from the New York Times exhaustedly points … Read more

How AI will transform space exploration?

How AI will transform space exploration?

Long-duration spaceflights pose a challenge to astronauts due to the strain put on the body by the zero gravity environment. Artificial intelligence (AI) could point to novel solutions to these challenges. Most recently, scientists have suggested using extended reality and AI to help with Spaceflight Associated Neuro-ocular Syndrome (SANS). Long-duration spaceflights have become increasingly common … Read more