Microsoft Bing, LinkedIn vow more ads transparency

Microsoft Bing, LinkedIn vow more ads transparency

Microsoft will provide more information on targeted adverts and protect users against any new risks from artificial intelligence, the company vowed Friday, as stringent EU rules on tech platforms enter into force. Internet giants must now enforce the milestone EU’s Digital Services Act (DSA), which demands they protect users online from harmful content and be … Read more

From Mad Men to machines? Big advertisers shift to AI | Technology News

From Mad Men to machines? Big advertisers shift to AI | Technology News

Some of the world’s biggest advertisers, from food giant Nestle to consumer goods multinational Unilever, are experimenting with using generative AI software like ChatGPT and DALL-E to cut costs and increase productivity, executives say. But many companies remain wary of security and copyright risks as well as the dangers of unintended biases baked into the … Read more