3 easy ways to quickly improve Fortnite performance

3 easy ways to quickly improve Fortnite performance

Jon Martindale / DigitalTrends If you’re a competitive Fortnite player, then making sure your game is running as fast as possible can be a great way to improve your win rate — although it’s no guarantee, as I recently discovered. Our tips and tricks guides for Fortnite are a great way to improve your gameplay … Read more

CS:GO 2 performance guide: best settings, fps boost and more

CS:GO 2 performance guide: best settings, fps boost and more

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 2, or CS: GO 2, was one of the most long-awaited PC game launches of the year, with over a decade since the release of its predecessor. It’s the fifth entry in the Counter-Strike series, and a major one at that, with a huge upgrade to the game’s visuals, and some of … Read more