Video: Teen is one of the first in the world to get his genes edited. Why he describes the process as 'cool and freaky' – CNN

Video: Teen is one of the first in the world to get his genes edited. Why he describes the process as 'cool and freaky' – CNN

Video: Teen is one of the first in the world to get his genes edited. Why he describes the process as ‘cool and freaky’  CNN Source link credite

Genetic test for antidepressants could save millions and improve patient outcomes

Genetic test for antidepressants could save millions and improve patient outcomes

A special kind of genetic test that helps determine the best antidepressant for patients with moderate-to-severe depression could generate substantive health system savings and greatly improve patient outcomes, according to new research from the University of British Columbia. The study, published today in CMAJ, shows that in B.C. alone, implementing pharmacogenomic testing could save the … Read more

Scientists find people who live past 90 have differences in their blood

Scientists find people who live past 90 have differences in their blood

Centenarians have become the fastest-growing demographic group in the world, with numbers approximately doubling every 10 years since the 1970s. Many researchers have sought out the factors and contributors that determine a long and healthy life. The dissolution isn’t new either, with Plato and Aristotle writing about the ageing process over 2,300 years ago. Understanding … Read more

Is your happiness hardwired? New study dives into the genetics of joy

Is your happiness hardwired? New study dives into the genetics of joy

Happiness is a positive emotional state that influences various clinical outcomes, including depression. Previous studies have shown that humans have a baseline happiness level, which remains relatively stable. In fact, this baseline level of happiness likely remains constant, even after vital positive or negative life events such as winning the lottery or experiencing a serious … Read more

Why does cilantro taste like soap to some people? Turns out, there’s a pretty good reason

Why does cilantro taste like soap to some people? Turns out, there’s a pretty good reason

restyledliving / Pixabay In our daily lives, there’s a lot of conflict. For just about everything, we hotly take our sides of the aisle, no matter how critical or comparably insignificant the topic — politics, religion, the position of the toilet paper roll. The list goes on, and we stay firmly planted on our sides. … Read more

Ramadan fasting reshapes gut microbiome

Ramadan fasting reshapes gut microbiome

In a recent study published in Frontiers in Microbiology, scientists from the Acibadem Mehmet Ali Aydinlar University in Istanbul, Turkey, explore the impact of Ramadan intermittent fasting on the composition of the gut microbiota. Study: Effects of Ramadan intermittent fasting on gut microbiome: is the diet key? Image Credit: Baramyou0708 / Background The human gastrointestinal (GI) microbiome … Read more

New method for multiancestry polygenic prediction holds promise for reducing health care disparities

New method for multiancestry polygenic prediction holds promise for reducing health care disparities

A team led by researchers at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and the National Cancer Institute has developed a new algorithm for genetic risk-scoring for major diseases across diverse ancestry populations that holds promise for reducing health care disparities. Genetic risk-scoring algorithms are considered a promising method to identify high-risk groups of individuals … Read more

Study offers new insight into increased risk of blood clots in women

Study offers new insight into increased risk of blood clots in women

New research from Queen Mary University of London, published in iScience, shows an increased risk of blood clots in women who have any combination of a particular gene mutation, estrogen use, or common medical conditions – specifically: obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and kidney disease. Women with the Factor V Leiden (FVL) gene mutation … Read more

Ongoing gene therapy trials have driven increased use of ALS genetic testing, finds study

Ongoing gene therapy trials have driven increased use of ALS genetic testing, finds study

Researchers at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center and College of Medicine led the creation of evidence-based consensus guidelines for genetic testing and counseling for patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a neurodegenerative disease that affects the cells in the brain and spine. These evidence-based, consensus guidelines provide clinicians with a framework for the … Read more