Google Walks Tightrope on AI in Search Antitrust Trial

Google Walks Tightrope on AI in Search Antitrust Trial

Google executives downplayed the company’s artificial intelligence position during testimony at a landmark federal antitrust trial, saying the Alphabet Inc. company has tried to be slow and cautious because of the dangerous power of the technology. The Department of Justice has a different theory: That Google was way ahead in generative AI and chose not … Read more

Know how to create AI images with Google search using text descriptions

Know how to create AI images with Google search using text descriptions

In the world of AI, generating images from words has become quite a trend. You might have heard of tools like DALL-E and Midjourney, which turn text into pictures. Well, Google, the search giant, is now joining the party with its Search Generative Experience (SGE) feature. In August 2023, Google unveiled the SGE feature. Originally, … Read more