If London chugs to a halt, it will take the rest of the country with it

If London chugs to a halt, it will take the rest of the country with it

Likewise, there might be cities that would welcome a planned $2bn (£1.6bn) investment to create a version of the Sphere, based on the spectacular venue in Las Vegas recently opened with a concert by U2. But not this one. Last week, Sadiq Khan, the London Mayor, rejected the plan on the grounds of potential noise … Read more

A bitter election won’t derail the stunning rise of the Polish economy

A bitter election won’t derail the stunning rise of the Polish economy

Tusk’s party would unlock some extra funding from Brussels, while the ruling party would beef up defence spending, and free up cash for higher pensions and child benefits. Other than that, not a great deal divides them. Whatever happens in the election, therefore, it won’t stop the stunning rise of the Polish economy. Poland has … Read more