Vivek Ramaswamy continues tirade post-debate

Kilmeade continued to press Ramaswamy in the nearly 5-minute-long exchange. At one point, Fox co-host Ainsley Earhardt tried to wrap up the debate by murmuring “alright,” but Ramaswamy and Kilmeade continued to go back and forth.

In an interview with CNN’s Dana Bash on Wednesday night, Ramaswamy doubled down on some of the conspiracy theories he listed his support for during the debate: that Jan. 6 was an “inside job,” that the government lied to Americans about Saudi Arabia’s involvement in 9/11, the validity of the great replacement theory and that the 2020 election was stolen by “Big Tech.”

“I was an anti-woke crusader leaving the business world and if you had asked me three years ago, Is there some chance January 6th is an inside job?, I would’ve said that was crazy talk,” Ramaswamy said Wednesday. “I would say looking at the facts of the video footage that have come out, Dana, it is shocking that you still haven’t gotten a clear answer on how many federal agents were in the field that day.”

Congressional investigations have long rebutted the Jan. 6 claim made by Ramaswamy.

Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie in his own interview Thursday morning compared Ramaswamy’s debate behavior to that of a “drunk driver.”

“He’s like a drunk driver on the debate stage,” Christie said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” “I mean, this is a guy who you never know where he is going to go, what he is going to make up next, what lane he is going to swerve into.”

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