10 grim Keto Diet side effects + Keto Diet dangers

Some side effects are worse than others, and your body simply may not be OK with going on a keto diet. If you have consistent constipation, diarrhea, or vomiting, ‘you may want to take on another diet as your body, in its current state, cannot handle what is happening to it,’ Keatley says.

Research may suggest that eating per the keto diet may have some short-term health perks.

But in the long run, the keto diet has potential to create some serious health problems. That’s why many experts say you shouldn’t attempt it on your own.

‘In general, if a person follows a ketogenic diet, they should only do so for a brief time and under close medical supervision,’ says Hultin.

We’d recommend opting for less-risky – and more joyful! – ways of eating. Like the 80:20 approach to healthy eating, or the nutritious-but-abundant Mediterranean diet.

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