25 High-Protein Low-Carb Foods Great for Any Diet


keto diet to the paleo diet to Whole30, were kind of a thing for a while.

And for good reason: High-protein, low-carb diets have been shown to help with weight loss. Except that all of these diets (and many others like them) are incredibly difficult to follow over a long period of time, despite their short-term benefits.

But beyond trendy diets, high-protein low-carb diets have another benefit: lean muscle gain. A study published in the Journal of Nutrition found that eating high-protein meals—containing about 30 grams of protein—throughout the day stimulated greater muscle protein synthesis.

“The general recommendation for protein intake is between .8 g- 1.2 g per kilogram of body weight,” says Sandra J. Arevalo, M.P.H., R.D.N., spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. “Of course, you’ll need more protein to maintain muscular and lean mass.”

We at Men’s Health typically recommend, as a baseline, a daily consumption of 1 gram of protein for every pound of your target body weight. So, if you want to weight 195, eat 195 grams of protein every day. (Yes, that’s a lot, but also why some people supplement.)

Of course, if you’re looking to follow a high-protein, low-carb diet, it’s important not to totally cut out carbs. “Going high-protein, low-carb often means people are cutting out variety of foods from their diet and therefore not meeting all their other dietary needs,” says Arevalo. “It’s always important to fill half your plate with veggies.”

Yes, vegetables contain carbohydrates. It’s about finding balance.

Ready to stock your kitchen? Here are 25 high-protein, low-carb foods to help you stick to your diet—trendy or not.

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