Babylon Bee founder sells remaining stakes in satire site

The Christian webcomic creator who founded The Babylon Bee announced that he’s sold off the remaining stake that he had in the popular satirical website.

Adam Ford, an author and illustrator, announced on Facebook Tuesday that he sold off his remaining stake in both Babylon Bee and Not the Bee, a news opinion site he co-founded.

Ford explained that he had “not been operationally involved with the Bee for some time now,” while Dan Dillon, who helped cofound Not the Bee, “took over in recent months as majority owner and head dude in charge.”

“I always figured I could go on forever working like a maniac and seeing every terrible thing that happens around the world in real-time. But, I finally hit a concrete wall after many years, and there was no way around it,” Ford said.

“This is all quite bittersweet and difficult for me. I love these companies dearly and always will. They have been my entire life for the better part of a decade, and what an adventure it has been. I will be eternally grateful to all of you, as well as my co-laborers, for making the Bee and NTB what they are today.”

Regarding future plans, Ford wrote that he was “going to venture out of my office and back into the world for a bit to see where God leads me,” adding that “I would not be surprised if we met again somewhere down the road.”

In 2016, Ford launched the Babylon Bee, which quickly gained popularity for its satirical news on a host of topics, including churches, big name pastors and ministry figures, politics and entertainment.

Ford told The Christian Post in an interview back in April 2018 that the idea of having a satire website “happened organically,” with the webcomic creator initially considering it a “side project.”

“I felt strongly that it would fill a void in the internet, and that it would possibly become popular, but I had no idea it would blow up the way it did,” he said at the time.

“The commitments and challenges of running such a sizable website soon took over, and I had to shift to focusing on the Bee almost exclusively. I had to make sure to do it right.”

In April 2018, Ford sold the Bee to an entrepreneur named Seth Dillon, who became majority owner, with Ford explaining in a May 2018 statement that he still owned “a small piece” of the site and would be involved “in a more limited capacity.”

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