Stars auction dog walks and dinner to help crews on SAG-AFTRA strike

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Russian Doll actor Natasha Lyonne is auctioning off “a 15 minute existential conversation” with herself and her dog Rootbeer

Would you rather have a famous actor walk your dog, or help you solve the New York Times crossword?

Both could be yours for a (probably sizeable) price, after celebrities launched an online auction to help production crew members pay for their healthcare amid the months-long Hollywood actors’ and writers’ strikes.

The meet-and-greets on sale include Parks and Recreation star Adam Scott walking your dog for an hour. Caveat: the dog must be based in LA – current bid, $3,050 (£2,458).

Alternatively, Girls star Lena Dunham could paint a mural in your house – with the latest bid at $5,100 (£4,110) – or you can take a pottery class in New York with actor Busy Philipps.

The eBay sale was organised by the Union Solidarity Coalition, a charity founded by Hollywood writers and directors in May to offer financial support.

Bids can be placed until 22 September.

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So what else is on offer?

There’s a fedora signed by singer Tom Waits. Or the cast of Bob’s Burgers will “sing you a song written just for you” if you can beat the current bid, which stands at $5,000 (£4,028).

Natasha Lyonne, star of Netflix’s Russian Doll, will help you solve the New York Times crossword puzzle for 15 minutes, should your bid triumph. The listing promises “a 15 minute existential conversation with Natasha Lyonne and her dog Rootbeer”.

Better Call Saul actor Bob Odenkirk and his Mr Show co-star David Cross will have dinner with you in New York or Los Angeles – or if you can’t travel, will send delivery from your favourite local restaurant and dine with you over Zoom. Offers are up to $7,100 (£5,721).

Oscar and Emmy-winning actor John Lithgow has offered to paint your dog. The winning bidder is invited to send four to five photos “and John Lithgow will paint a watercolour portrait of your best friend” the auction post enthuses.

Members of the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) joined Writers Guild members, who had been striking since May, in July.

They could not reach an agreement with studios and streaming giants over pay concerns, working conditions, and the industry’s use of artificial intelligence (AI).

SAG accused the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) of being “unwilling to offer a fair deal”. Until a deal is made, thousands will remain without healthcare and out of work.

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Watch: How the Hollywood strike affects you in 75 seconds

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