Experts reveal the hangover cures that really work… and the ones that DON’T

Experts reveal the hangover cures that really work… and the ones that DON’T

MailOnline spoke to health experts to find out which ‘cures’ actually work Waking up the day after a night out with your head pounding and the greasy drunk food you ate last night swirling around your stomach – we’ve all been there. Hangovers can feel like the worst thing in the world and keep you … Read more

NIH-funded study focuses on next-day effects of heavy drinking on young adults

NIH-funded study focuses on next-day effects of heavy drinking on young adults

Nausea, headaches and difficulty concentrating are just a few of the hangover symptoms that can besiege young adults who drink alcohol to excess. To gain a greater understanding of how heavy drinking impacts young adults, Ashley Linden-Carmichael, Penn State associate research professor of health and human development, is leading a two-year study funded by a … Read more