Reactions to death of Chinese ex-Premier Li Keqiang

Reactions to death of Chinese ex-Premier Li Keqiang

Oct 27 (Reuters) – Below are reactions to the death on Friday of Chinese former Premier Li Keqiang: ADAM NI, INDEPENDENT CHINA POLITICAL ANALYST, AUTHOR “Li was a premier who stood powerless as China took a sharp turn away from reform and opening.” DALI YANG, POLITICS PROFESSOR, UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO: “The scope for Li’s policymaking … Read more

Factbox: Foreign reactions and offers of aid in response to Morocco earthquake

Factbox: Foreign reactions and offers of aid in response to Morocco earthquake

Sept 9 (Reuters) – Following are offers of aid and other reaction from foreign governments to the powerful earthquake that struck Morocco late on Friday, killing more than 1,000 and destroying buildings in the deadliest tremor to hit the country in decades. ****OFFERS OF FOREIGN AID AND SUPPORT ALGERIA Algeria, which broke off ties with … Read more