LinkedIn set to introduce gaming, job-seekers can now play games while looking for new roles

LinkedIn set to introduce gaming, job-seekers can now play games while looking for new roles

LinkedIn is one of the most popular job-searching platforms that is used by millions of people across the world. The platform has made job search easier and is known for connecting recruiters with candidates seamlessly. Now, we all know that searching for a job can get tiring and it involves hours and hours of scrolling, … Read more

Digital puzzle games might be good for memory in older adults: Study

Digital puzzle games might be good for memory in older adults: Study

A new study found that older people who play digital puzzle games had the same memory abilities as persons in their twenties. The study, from the University of York, also found that adults aged 60 and over who play digital puzzle games had a greater ability to ignore irrelevant distractions, but older adults who played … Read more